Banking & Financial institutions
      CIMB Bank Berhad
      AEON Credit Service (M) Berhad
      Parkson Credit Sdn Bhd
      Lonpac Insurance Berhad
      Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad

      Volvo Malaysia Sdn Bhd
      Continental Tyre PJ Malaysia Sdn Bhd
      Federal Auto Cars Sdn Bhd
      F A Wagen Sdn Bhd

Entertaiment & Events
      Viacom International Media Networks (Malaysia) Berhad – MTV Asia
      Dirigo Event Sdn Bhd – Kuala Lumpur Standard Chartered Marathon

All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. All company names used in this web site are for identification purposes only.
Advertising, Marketing & Promotion
      DraftFCB Sdn Bhd
      Reckitt Benckiser (M) Sdn Bhd
      Alcon Laboratories (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
      LVMH Watch & Jewellery Malaysia Sdn Bhd
      Bricks & Clicks - Online Marketing Specialists
      Dviria Nano Tech Sdn Bhd
      HWGB Biotech Sdn Bhd
      Astramern Sdn Bhd
      Ego Pharm Malaysia Sdn Bhd ( QV products)

Information Technologies
      Hewlett-Packard Multimedia Sdn Bhd
      ServTouch-Wywy (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
7 years.
Front-office operations.
Customer Service Centre.
Storage Inventory Management.
Estimated 400 units.
Estimated USD 1,200,00.00 of equipments.
2 months.
Information Technology.
Southeast Asia.
6 years.
Back-office operations.
Technical Services.
Storage Inventory Management.
Estimated 400 units.
Estimated USD 125,000.00 of monthly equipment re-market.
7 years.
Back-office operations.
Distributions / Logistics Centre.
Storage Inventory Management.
Average 67 types / 20 tonnes.
Estimated RM 250,00.00 of printed materials. 
23 years.
Back-office operations.
Fulfillment Services.
Handling cash values up to RM 300,000.00 per project.
12 years.
Front-office operations.
Customer Service Centre.
Storage Inventory Management.
Estimated 240 models.
Estimated RM 300,000.00 monthly stock replenishment.
Durations   :
Module       :
Services      :
SKU              :
Value           :
Durations   :
Module       :
Services      :

SKU              :
Value           : 
Durations   :
Module       :
Services      :
SKU              :
Value           :
Durations   :
Module       :
Services      :

SKU              :
Value           :  
Durations   :
Module       :
Services      :

SKU              :
Value           :  
- Operations of Authorised Replacement Centre.
     :- Customer Walk-in Centre.
     :- Centre cater to wholesalers, dealers and end-users.
     :- Defective stock verifications and immediate replacement for Walk-in customers.
     :- Collections and deliveries to wholesalers and dealers in a timely manner.
     :- Toners, ink cartridges, plotter pens and data storage media.
- Database capture / creations.
- Analysis of items model market movement.
- Proactive action on defective model.
    :- Recalling of defective models.
     :- Stop model movement in the market.
     :- Models information and guidelines.
- Analysis breakdown of defective models.
     :- Problem type, manufactured country, batch defects and etc.
- Information center for wholesalers, dealers and end-users.
- Verifications of counterfeit, remanufactured, stocks tampering and warranty period.
- Coordinations with the 7 partners replacement centre.
     :- Pulau Pinang, Ipoh, Kuantan, Petaling Jaya, Johor Bharu, Kota Kinabalu and  Kuching.
- Storage and inventory of stocks.
- Stocks life span, warranty period monitoring.
- FIFO (first in, first out) stock movement.
- Stocks management trend.
     :- Market movement, delivery, replenishments, buffering and defects.
Daily operations.
Information Technology.
Frequency  :
Industry      :
Coverage    :
- Operations of Equipments Loan Centre. 
     :- Wholesalers , dealers and end-users.
     :- Commercial and consumer products.
- Supporting Marketing and Corporate Sales departments.
     :- Marketing programs.
     :- Products launches / press review.
     :- Road shows / events.
     :- Corporate sales demonstrations.
     :- Wholesalers, dealers and end-users demo / loan equipments.
- Transportations for equipments collections and deliveries.
- Technical services.
     :- Equipments setup/ preparation for loan.
     :- Technical inspection of returned equipments.
     :- Restoration and repair of faulty equipments.
- Tracking of equipments movement and loan period.
     :- Schedule collection of return loan equipments.
     :- Forecast of equipments market value for re-market / sales.
     :- Re-market / sales of end-of-terms equipments.
- Software drivers and utilities library.
     :- Maintaining and updating of master softwares and operations manuals.
     :- Print drivers, utilities, Operation Systems (OS) and Management Tools/ Softwares.
     :- Authorised reproduction of copyright drivers, utilities and OS softwares.
     :- Technical information center for wholesalers, dealers and end-users.
Daily operations.
Information Technology.

2 years.
Back-office operations.
Warehouse Auditing.
Up to 1,200 units.
Frequency  :
Industry      :
Coverage    :
- Warehouse physical inventory stocks count.
- Cycle count and reconciliations.
- Stocks serial and batch number matching.
- Reconciliation with the latest 1 day old stock inventory updates.
- Review of warehouses and stocks, physical conditions.
- Review of supporting documentation for stock discrepancies.
- Interview with warehouse personal.
     :- Warehouse processes.
     :- Stocks discrepancies.
     :- Stocks movements, replenishments and buffering.
- Recommendation for improvement and corrective measures.
- Covering Southeast Asian regions.
     :- Singapore.
     :- Indonesia - Jarkata.
     :- Thailand – Bangkok.
     :- Vietnam – Ho Chi Min, Hanoi and Danang.
     :- Philippines – Quezon City and Makati.
     :- Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur, Pulau Pinang, Johor and Kuching.
Daily operations.
Information Technology.
Office Automations.
Frequency  :
Industry      :

Coverage    :
- Storage inventory and return centre for hire purchase equipment.
- Transportations for equipment collections and deliveries.
- Technical services.
     :- Tehnical inspection of returned equipment.
     :- Restoration and repair of faulty equipment.
     :- Equipment setup/ installation to the original Operating System (OS).
     :- Repackaging and preparation for re-market/ sales.
- Equipment market value forecast for re-maket / sales.
     :- Identify and verify of potential buyers for returned equipment.
     :- Re-market / sales of returned equipment.
- Distribution and request centre.
     :- Point of Sales Materials (POSM).
     :- Product brochures, flyers, booklets manuals and etc.

- Monthly and ad-hoc distributions to 450 wholesalers and dealers.
- Supporting Marketing and Sales & Support division.
- Management for sales support materials.
      :- Storage.
     :- Buffering.
     :- Replenishment.
     :- Sales, Marketing, Press Kits compilations - slides, photos, point of sales and etc.
- Constant updates and disposal of outdated printed material.
- Monitoring of sales supports material movement.
- Capturing of wholesalers and dealers sales material usage trends to prevent wastage.
Durations   :
Module       :
Services      :

SKU              :
Value           : 
Frequency  :
Industry      :
Coverage    :
6 years.
Back-office operations.
Distributions / Logistics Centre.
Storage Inventory Management.
Daily operations.
Information Technology.
Frequency  :
Industry      :
Coverage    :
- One-Stop Centre for inbound and distribution.
     :- Printed materials.
     :- Banners, buntings, Point of Sales Materials (POSM), brochures and etc.
- Storage and inventory management.
- Verifying of material quantities received.
- Pick and pack materials for a average of 90 locations.
- Arrangement of land, sea and air distributions.
- Monitoring of delivery routes and processes.
- Coordination of delivery schedules with printers and transporters.
3 months.
Banking & Financial Institutions.
- Inventory & logistics services.
      :- Receiving, verifying, storage, collations and shipping / distributions.
- Transportations arrangement.
      :- Land, sea and air distributions.
- Mass, personalised mailing and marketing inserts.
     :- Marketing / informations pack, greeting cards, product samples.
     :- Banking & Financial Institutions Investment, Annual, Interim, Fund reports and etc.
- Handling of high value items.
     :- Cash/ meal vouchers, gold bullion/ coin, electronic appliances, premiums and etc.
- Collations and distributions for Banking & Financial institutions internal branches and customers.
- Database management.
     :- Database creations / capture, de-duplicate, validation, standardised format and maintenance.
Durations   :
Module       :
Services      :
SKU              :
Value           :   
Daily operations.
Malaysia / Southeast Asia.
Frequency  :
Industry      :
Coverage    :
Frequency  :
Industry      :
Coverage    :
2 years.
Back-office operations.
Redemption centre.
1,2000 submissions.
RM 250,000.00.
Durations   :
Module       :
Services      :
SKU              :
Value           :  
Frequency  :
Industry      :
Coverage    :
- Whatsapp inbound and outbound for redemption programs.
     :- Filtering of inbound submissions for the campaign terms and conditions.
     :- Respond to submission validity.
- Letter shopping services.
   :- Outbound calling to the recipient for mailing confirmation.
   : - Preparation of personalised letter to recipient.
- Delivery of the redemption item.
    :- Collations and preparation of redemption item for delivery.
    :- Outbound message of delivery detail to the recipients.
   : - Tracking of item delivery status.

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